Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Yes, We Have Payment Plans.

Recently, we had a client pick up a portrait order that had used a payment plan. She made the comment, "I bet a lot of people don't know you do payment plans". I guess we've been doing photography for so many years, we sometimes assume too much. So I thought, "Hummmm, maybe I should post this on our blog".
Our payment plan is simple. Once an order is placed, it is on hold until one-half of the order has been paid. You can pay however much you want, however often you want. Once the order is half paid, we send it to Kelly and she does her magic, and uploads it to our lab. You can continue to make payments, and when it is paid in full, you can pick it up! No part of an order can be picked up until the entire order is paid in full.
Sometimes when we book a wedding, it may be a year away. Sometimes in these situations, a bride will begin making monthly payments, so that by the wedding, her album is paid in full.
Lajunta and I raised 5 kids, so we know that sometimes it does help to have the option of payments.
We will be very happy to discuss any questions you may have about payment plans!


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